The 7-year anniversary for Jared’s death or his angelversary as I call it, didn’t hit me as hard this year. The first year I was kind of numb, grateful to have survived that awful first year. The second year, ...
Our first apartment was on a little street in Etobicoke called Callowhill drive. It was a sweet street that shared two high-rise apartments and a bunch of houses. Where kids learned to ride their bikes on the quiet laneways. Neighbours ...
This week I was a bad friend. Two people that I know had family members pass away. One their dad and the other their grandma. I reacted poorly and I am kind of ashamed. The early stages of grief were ...
It really sinks in, you know, when I see it in stone 'Cause you went away How dare you? I'll miss you They say I'll be okay But I'm not going to ever get over you Miranda Lambert said it ...
Yes, wardrobe. Why, oh why would a Widow's wardrobe be questioned? Before we get too far, I will say that I enjoy using humor in my writing and in dealing with my own grief. This is going to ...
How awesome would it be to have widow cards? A friend knows you are going to do something hard and they just send you a card that says “I know this is going to feel like your heart is breaking ...
I’m not sure where I got this idea, but I started a list of things I miss about my husband. Though it might seem just sad, it’s not all sad. The things I miss are also the things that ...