In just barely over three short months, I will have been widowed for five years. Some days it feels like it's been decades and that I really and truly know how to make it without a partner. Other days, I'm ...
Waking up way too early yesterday I get out of bed to feed the cat. I didn’t need to be anywhere for a few more hours. Climbing back into bed I couldn’t help but remember when I would make Matt ...
We have or have almost made it through Halloween. For me, it is the easiest of the holidays as we never really did anything for it. We had Tiernan for one year and it was great being able to take ...
A dear friend of mine passed away a week or so back. Yet when I jump on Facebook for some mindless scrolling, there it is, right on top of my newsfeed, the shortcut to her page. She's not the only ...
Today I realized that the only thing keeping me from moving on was my own head. It was suggested months ago when I was in therapy that I start to try and date. Nothing serious but to dip my toe ...
We've all been there. Just minding our own business then here comes a familiar smell. If you're anything like me, you might stop and breathe in deeply, hoping for more of what it is that grabbed your attention. Oftentimes, these ...
Saturday Today I sit here listening to Jay and Tiernan playing. Jay is laughing loudly as he plays with Matt’s brother. When we were going to go to the playground he asked if Uncle Brian could come. He is missing ...
I've struggled with being angry at my late husband for some time now. I forgave him right away for his decision to leave this life. I loved him in ways that I didn't think existed in the real world and ...