When you are going through loss, it really is true that you don’t just lose your spouse or loved one but you lose your norm. You lose invitations to normal things because people are afraid to invite you without him. ...
Before and after. Two words that signify a complete and utter evolution in my life. From simple to complex...mostly predictable to unknown...happy to *it depends on the day and the hour*... Before and freaking after. A beginning that led to ...
I can't help but dread this time of year. Most people would think it would be the anniversary of Jared's death. But the five weeks from Mother’s Day to Father's Day are some of the most difficult days for me. ...
Sunday will be my fifth Mother’s Day since Jared died. And even though I am remarried, it is still a hard day. It is still a day I wish Jared could be here. A day I wish I wasn’t a ...
Dreams - where do they go? The other day I overheard a couple of coworkers talking about their lives and careers. Listening to them I realized that I didn’t have any dreams for the future right now. Those dreams ...
Lots of people use writing to help them process their grief. I would bet that every Hope Sister committed to blogging for the Hope for Widows Foundation would admit that the blogging experience helps her process what happened to her ...
I like my house now. I like living here alone. I like the comfort of my own home. I like the feeling I get when I pull in my garage and appreciate that I have a safe, warm, attractive place ...
I have a four-year-old and I am exhausted! So I would like to share 4 things that I have I learned that have helped me navigate in this new normal: Slow down. We live in a world where everything is ...
As widows, we have so many things we might long for, but there are times when I literally BEG God to show me Shane. A breeze with his soapy smell wrapped inside of it, the subtle song of a wind ...