I’m trying to decide if I’m lovable…What a weird concept right? When I say that though it’s not like I don’t have friends or I don’t have family that cares about me. I do. I have all of that. I ...
We all do it-- at least we think we do it. But, breathing is also something we usually do not do very well. We usually breathe without giving it any thought. To truly benefit from breathing, we need to give ...
When I was running a couple of weeks ago, I rubbed my thumb against my ring finger to wiggle my wedding band. I’ve been widowed for four years and stopped wearing my rings well over three years ago. The phantom ...
You may scoff like many people have, but it’s true. Social media, mostly Facebook, saved my life. No, they are NOT paying me to say it either. I still hear that I spend too much time online, but being online ...
One evening my friend (who became my husband) and I were sitting in his dorm room getting ready to go to the end of semester banquet. He looked at me and said, I like you. I laughed and said, ...
Welcome to the Hope for Widows Foundation New Website Hope for Widows Foundation launches new website. The Directors have the heart, understanding and the commitment that it takes to serve our growing community. The website update has been close to ...
Most of my friends are people that I have never met. They live in my phone and anytime I need something, they are always only a couple of clicks away. That is the beauty of technology. And social media. If ...
Baby steps. Open your eyes. That’s one. Get out of bed. That’s two. Breathe. That’s three. This is how it has to be in the beginning. Gentle and unassuming because grief is not. The cycle is exhausting, it tries to ...
“Mommy, there are pilots at the door.” Those seven words, those simple syllables, they changed everything. When I came to, I made the necessary phone calls, at first it came out as a whisper and ...