As a solo widowed mom, I often think that I have to be extra careful. That nothing can happen to me. Because if I die, there is no one left to love my child completely, unconditionally in a way only ...
When I first stumbled across the Hope for Widows website over a year ago, I thought, What in the world? Hope? How can a widow of all people have hope? Hope for what? Hope in what? Hope that I don’t ...
The worst thing a widowed mother can hear from her grieving child, “at least you still have your daddy.”. I do. At 39, I still have my daddy. How unfair. He is alive and well and I have had a ...
These last few weeks have been extremely rough. I am emotionally exhausted. My cup is empty and I have no more to give. And that feeling of complete emotional emptiness puts me in a melancholy mood. I begin to question ...
The other day I was organizing all of my art supplies and miscellaneous stuff in the closet in the basement, and I ran into a bag that I have avoided looking inside for over two years now…A bag I hid ...
3rd Annual Widows of Hope VIRTUAL 5K is back with the partnership of The Mighty! Run outside, use a treadmill, walk the dog, walk solo, hit the track or a trail, get a group together and create a team - ...
Anyone who has experienced grief knows that it is a never-ending journey. I am now 15 months into my new life as a widow (a title that I received suddenly and unexpectedly), and I have trouble believing that much time ...
Life Plan and the Happily Ever After Our lives unfold in stages. We wait for the beginning of the next exciting and challenging step. I looked forward to riding the bus to start school, then I could not wait to ...
Dear Widow, Though the days have come like sudden waves of pain and sorrow, know you are not alone. For those who have recently become widows, you are not alone. Those who have been on this journey for years, you're ...