Today he would have turned 37. It would have been the 13th birthday I would have had the honor of sharing with him. Today I took our four year old son to his grave where we watched the fireworks show ...
I am currently sitting in the waiting area of Nelson’s Journey, a local charity that supports children through bereavement. We first made contact with them for my son almost 5 years ago. He never met his dad because he ...
Widow. A few days after my husband’s passing someone told me “well you are a widow now.” I remember thinking, “No, I’m young. We were special. We are still married.” It was so foreign to me. Widow. I refused to ...
Summer Time Driving around in my car with the roof open listening to Beyonce new cd in June the second day of summer. However, someone is missing and that someone is my Devan. He should be here riding with ...
After I hit the one year mark of my husband’s passing, my girls and I commemorated it with a shared experience…a representation of our family of 4, as it was. I remember that day being one of peace, and while ...
I think a part of me thought I would not be in as much pain as I have been in since the very beginning of 2018. Honestly, this has been a very painful 6 months. Some days I don’t even ...
Six months after my husband passed away, I sold our family home and moved into the city to eliminate my 45 minute daily commute to work. I’m not really an interior decorator kind of girl, so the remaining hodge-podge collection ...
Your “Chapter Two” they call it in the Widow/Widower world. It is when you find love again after the loss of your spouse. I didn’t understand how that could even be possible. I did speak with some widows that found ...
I got a dumb tattoo in a dumb spot when I was 18 years old. This was before tattoos were in vogue like they are now. I swore that I’d never do it again. One bad permanent decision was enough. ...
It’s 8:44 am I didn’t sleep well last night, I tossed and turned. I usually have “maybe” 2 nights of decent sleep out of 7 nights. I have been this way since My Devan left this world. GOD keeps ...