Forecasts of the coming storm started flashing across social media about three days before it actually hit us, which gave me time to head to Walmart for supplies. My youngest daughter and I go backpacking a lot, so we dug ...
A year has come and gone since Barrie’s passing. It has been an intense year; a year in which I have done so many things I wouldn’t have done if Barrie had been here. For a few months, I went ...
Five Years as a Widow: A Journey of Grief, Growth, and Resilience It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since I became a widow. In some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday when my world turned ...
Today has been a very griefy day. I felt very alone as a parent. My son’s babysitter is sick and I asked the only other options I had if they could watch him and they couldn’t, so I had to ...
I am looking at seven whole years post-loss square in the eyes. The way time moves, ten years will be here before I know it. Soon, our daughter will have lived without a father for longer than she had one. ...
I have noticed that since my husband’s arrival in Heaven and sudden departure from earth that I now mark time based on surviving another year of grief. It almost feels like the start of my new year is the ...
Since Monty was killed, every day has been difficult. At night in my bed, I surround myself with pillows to mask the emptiness. When I wake up, I force myself to begin my morning routine which is very different. It ...
In the end, I’ve gotten through the holidays without fretting as much as I thought I would. There have been tears, there has been sadness, but something his daughter said to me has grounded me despite my sadness and the ...
A few years back, I managed to work through a good deal of grief and trauma related to my husband's suicide. I had forgiven him early on, but it took time to fully accept things. I was proud of myself ...
Excuse me God,…. I would like to make a return. Where is your customer service desk? You see, this isn’t the life I ordered. It isn’t the life I worked for, planned for, hoped for or prayed for. Could I ...