Sunday will be 4 years since my husband died. 4 years. 48 months. 1460 days. If you had asked me 4 years ago where I would be today, I would not have been able to give you ...
Life's Disappointments After losing our spouse, we live experience one of life’s biggest disappointments. It is a moment where we cannot articulate our emotions without tears racing down our face. At times it feels like we have just placed a ...
Taking Time to Breathe For the past 10 months (since I lost Pat) I have tried many different avenues of self-care to find some small spaces of time to take a break from grief. These are some of the things ...
Back in May, I decided to go on a grief recovery retreat. In Alaska. In my typical dramatic fashion of doing anything worth doing, I figured that flying to Alaska would help me find some answers about how to move ...
The journey into widowhood has been the most challenging chapter of my 31 years. For obvious reasons, I feel sad more then I do happy, I battle depression on a daily basis, I am constantly running through a mental checklist ...
In exactly 2 weeks it will be four years since my husband died. I used to love the month of September. And now, now I completely dread it. Not only is my husband’s angelversary in September, exactly one week from ...
The Phantom Limb A widow sister of mine, Kimberly H, did a video post on Facebook that many widows can relate to. In the post, she said how she wanted to hurry home and tell her love, Rasheed, something special ...
Every morning it is the same thing. I wake up. I open my eyes. For about 30 seconds life is pre-July 21, 2017. Pre ALS. I wait for that morning breath whisker filled grin to turn and face me. I wait ...
Dear One, How are you doing? Did you get a chance to put any of the recommendations into practice from the last post here? No matter your progress, I want you to know that I'm proud of you. Here are ...
Dear One, You've made it through the funeral and are now facing the reality of people returning to their lives. This is a reality check that you must actually begin to walk through your loss. I thought when I sat ...