Dear New Widow, I am sorry you are here. The last thing I pictured myself doing was blogging for a widow’s group but in my darkest moment, I found comfort among people that understood my pain. Recently my newsfeed on ...
Recently, I was thinking about all the challenges of being a widow. Some of these challenges can overwhelm a widow adjusting to life without a spouse and continue for several years afterwards. I am fortunate to oversee a widow’s support ...
Death sucks. There is no nice way to say it. Death SUCKS!! This week has reminded me of how blessed I am to get live each and every day. And at the same time it has reminded me ...
I have long suffered from Anxiety. This week I started to listen to Brene Brown’s new book Atlas to the Heart. I am going to be purchasing a hard copy of the book it is one that I think I ...
In our grief journeys, it's all too easy to look past things that might be considered "miracles" or "miraculous" in our lives. One thing that really helped put things into perspective for me was recalling the victories my late husband ...
“Do you regret it?” An ex-girlfriend asked me while we lounged shoulder to shoulder on her couch. A Dungeons and Dragons podcast playing in the background. We were eating junk food and for a split second, I thought she was ...
We are all Soldiers Marching in this New Army. We did not get excited and go into our Local Recruiting office to enlist. We did not ask for this! We were chosen for this army. We are soldiers in this ...
Pour it out…We all need those people in our lives that are there to support and love us in our deepest darkest moments. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I refuse to be sad about not having my love this year. ...
Ahhhh, February….the month of love. Stores are filled with reminders of this day. Red hearts are everywhere. The Hallmark Channel is celebrating Loveuary. As widows, this can be a difficult holiday. One where we remember receiving sweet words, beautiful flowers, ...
Life isn't usually the fairy tale that we all hoped for as children, and that's okay. Most of us are realists and never expected life to be Prince Charming, glass slippers and pumpkins that turn into carriages. (As cool as ...