What the FUCK! I find myself muttering this a lot. There are many reasons why this phrase comes to mind. Over the last 17 months it has become a natural part of my vocabulary. At first it was: ...
On the way home the other night, I was asked out by my uber driver. No, that is not the intro to a bad joke, it actually happened. Romance at its finest, right? I literally laughed out loud. And then ...
Hope for Widows Foundation is excited to share their new partnership with Sanity & Self. Sometimes a little self-care is all you need. It's time to take care of YOU. Sanity & Self is a guided wellness women ...
When Jared died, I swore I would never date again. Never love again. Never let someone else parent my child. Well, how things have changed. 26 months after Jared died, he sent me an incredible man. A man who loves ...
I became a widow almost nineteen years ago. Though I was still walking, talking, and taking care of our children, I discovered that my life merely became a means of surviving each day. Of course, at the age of 33 ...
I dropped a handful of Todd’s socks from his sock drawer on the bed, tears welling in my eyes. I tried not to think about what I was doing or why. My sister in law had asked me weeks ...
Love. As famous poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson once said, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". In the past almost ten months, I have battled with this idea. I had felt love. Before ...
Words have always held a majestic place in my life. If you ask my mom, she would say that it started when I began to speak…. apparently I wouldn’t shut up after I started. It progressed with reading at an ...
When my husband’s beautiful life left his permanently sleeping body on September 29th, 2016, he was 47 years and 239 days old. On Sunday, July 8th, 2018, I stood on the bank of a creek along a hiking trail at ...
It’s been a while since I have done anything grief related. No writing, no commiserating, not even much crying. I needed a break, but I’m back. I’m picking up where I left off. Grief never completely goes away. As nice ...