I am not exactly known for being uber-festive, but those first few "holidaze" (as I like to call them) after being admitted to the Widow Club were not the easiest of days. Over the years though, they have gotten better. ...
Friday night Back in September, I went to my cousin’s wedding. Although I was happy to be there and see family that I had not seen it years it was painful, and I struggled with my emotions. Being a widow ...
Opposition will always greet you at the door of transition. But God is greater! When my husband went to Heaven I felt like I was trapped in a snow globe. The world was outside my sphere of residence, continuing on ...
I recently received a comment from a reader. And she commented that since I talked about my new husband I'm obviously no longer a widow. That I should no longer be writing on this blog. And that my blogs should ...
I had written this, what I believed to be, an amazing blog. I shared about facing struggles in our journeys and having the foundation to stand firm when life seems to be hitting us on all sides. Walked to my ...
He was right. When you put one foot in front of the other, after your husband died, it may have taken awhile, but did you - at any point - begin to run? Or just jog, maybe, but still clearly ...
Waking up way too early yesterday I get out of bed to feed the cat. I didn’t need to be anywhere for a few more hours. Climbing back into bed I couldn’t help but remember when I would make Matt ...
November always sends me thinking about what I’m thankful for. We are so blessed to take time every year to celebrate our blessings. It’s time to thank God for all He does for us. Humbly acknowledging the people in our ...
What’s in your box? This question needs to be addressed by all widows and had me re-evaluating my widow journey. I know you are asking “what box” is she talking about? As I sat in church listening to my Pastor ...