Today is National Widow's Day. And unfortunately, I am a member of that club. A club I never wanted to join. But I am surrounded by some of the strongest men and women I know. We support each other. Lift ...
One of my favourite inspirational speakers is a child psychologist named Dr. Jody Carrington. She speaks of the importance to connect to our community of friends and family. We are wired to do hard things, but those hard things are ...
Widowhood has multiple challenges. Being widowed while solo parenting is one of those difficulties. Parenting teens is super easy… said no parent ever. Today’s teens face more complexities in their lives than their parents did when they were teenagers. Parenting ...
I never would describe myself as strong. People have told me, "you are a strong woman". But I don't always see myself that way, but I should. I have survived one of my worst nightmares, my lowest low and fought ...
Music has truly been therapy for my heart and soul over the last 22 months. Seth and I loved listening to music together. It started from the first time we met to our final days together. We would always have ...
Spring Season as Teacher By Ajai Blue-Saunders, Hope for Widows blogger Trees I’ve always had this fascination with trees. As a little girl growing up in Ohio, I’d sit in my room which faced the front of our house ...
Who knew that widowhood would prepare me for a pandemic? Many are wondering how will I survive? Is it OK to eat cereal for dinner? What am I going to do with all this time to myself? ...
The death of anyone you can't imagine living without teaches you an astronomical amount about life, love, and loss. Prior to experiencing the passing of my husband, I couldn't fathom just how much the pain of that loss would teach ...
I’ve been thinking about my healing journey. It is 2.5 years later and my pain can still be so gut wrenching. It has changed and shifted and maybe isn’t as raw as it was in the beginning but there is ...
For me, Holy Week is bittersweet. This time of year always makes me miss my late husband even more. Easter has always been a special time in my family. And not having him here to celebrate this holiday is difficult. ...