A Widows Purpose When I first became a widow, I questioned everything. Of course I did. How could this happen to me, to us, to them? We were reeling out of this devastation after only 12 weeks from the first ...
Valentine's Day is this week and i know that can be a difficult day for some and for others it is just seen as a Hallmark holiday. For me Valentines day was always special. When we were little my mom ...
Lately I can not escape the magnificence of the sunrises and sunsets. I wake up to gorgeous red and pink rays streaming through my plantation shutters. Invariably, wherever I am, at the end of the day, the sky is on fire. I ...
A couple of months ago, my son bought a new house and moved farther away from me. It’s not terribly far, but about double the 20-minute ride to the old one. So now it can take up to 45 minutes ...
One thing I can definitely say about my life, is that it did not go as planned. Almost 19 years ago I stood in the church and said I do to my husband. Vowed to love him until death ...
7 Ways To Get Back Into The Habit of Living You’ve earned the right to do the bare minimum for the remainder of your life. After all, you’ve been thrown the ultimate curveball. Whether anyone understands it or not, ...
Over a year out from my loss i see how difficult it is to move on. I have a new awareness to my loss that i was not able to see before. I think it is an automatic response to ...
When I first started writing for Hope for Widows I chuckled to myself, "Now there's an anomaly!" A handful of faceless women, of all demographics, trying to convince other women; yes, women widows on the internet that there is hope ...
There are small, delicate moments scattered in each day. Moments that make life livable. Moments that remind you that you need to take a deep breath. That all your breathing and existing up to that point has been rapid, shallow, ...