It has been almost 8 years since Jared died. Eight years that feel like yesterday and forever at the same time. Eight years and so much has changed. Eight years and I have learned so much. I have learned ...
Recently I was asked how I stay so positive while dealing with my own grief? This question caused me to pause and really wonder to myself- how do I do it? I have been leading a monthly women support group ...
Matt and I would have been married eight years this coming Tuesday we were only married six. On our fifth anniversary we took a trip to Maine by ourselves it was our only vacation alone. This year I am packing ...
As a widow, one of the hard things we face is now writing this chapter of life alone… ALONE! Widowhood is such a lonely place and unless you are a widow you really can’t understand it. (And I would never ...
There is an empty chair on the porch. I use to find him sitting in it smoking a cigarette while playing on his phone. Nights I needed to talk I would go out there and sit on the deck box ...
Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential. - Kerry Washington The juncture to widowhood is one of those life changing transitions we usually don’t eagerly embrace ...
Today I was watching NCIS: New Orleans with my grandma and they were talking about grief the quote that stood out to me was “Same love that lifted you up in life can drag you down in death.” I have spent so much of the last year trying ...